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An Introduction

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Let me begin by saying, building this site has been (and continues to be) a learning experience, but I have enjoyed working on it and editing the recordings. The original inspiration for this project was a couple of good-sized boxes and a BUNCH of drawers full of cassette tapes that were given to me by my Pawpaw, Maurice Chandler. The first tape I listened to was of brother Fred Kirbo. I never met Fred, but have heard nothing but wonderful things about him. I was very excited to finally get to hear him preach, even if not in person.

In a year where difficult things seem to be happening at every turn, I’ve found that turning off the radio and listening to our brethren teach from God’s Word really helps me to focus on the things I need to be concerned with. Listening to brethren that I love, and many that I have never even met, has been an encouragement to me, and I want to share that same encouragement with others. I hope this project will, in some way, be a blessing to you.

P.S. The purpose of this site, as mentioned above, is to make these recordings easily available. I will continue to edit and add new content and would love to have additional recordings (and pictures of the preachers if you have them). Also, if you have any suggestions or submissions for this site, please feel free to contact me.